Plain English And Contracts – Yes The Two Can Coalesce!

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Professor Joseph Kimble of Western Michigan University Cooley Law School in his book Writing for Dollars, Writing to Please: The Case for Plain Language in Business, Government, and Law, states that “guidelines for writing in plain language aren’t offered for some rarefied aesthetic purpose. They are ways to reach the ultimate goal of clarity—of readers’ being able to find, understand, and use.” And Steven Pinker, an award-winning cognitive scientist, Harvard University professor, and author of the recent best seller The Sense of Style, declares, “improving legalese by making more of it in plain English is becoming a high priority because there’s so much waste and suffering that results from impenetrable legalese: People don’t understand what their rights are because they don’t understand a contract or they waste money hiring expensive. If you’re a lawyer drafting contracts this is a good plain English resource.